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Buuda Bomb Commercial

A client project for a gummy bear company.

This is a client project I did for a edible product company called Buuda Bomb. They want to make a video to show how chill and relax the customer will be after having their product. After having a meeting together, We came up with a image of a budda(which is their mascot) levitating on a pile of gummies, smiling and meditating. And right after this animation, I then did several project with them, which includes halloween edition, chocolate product animation etc. It's was a great collaboration overall.

My role

I did everything except character design.

The process
Tool I use : Cinema 4D, Redshift, Blender, Substance Painter
The initial sketch of the character.
3D render of the character in Blender.
0912 Test 02.png
Testing the gummy bear shader in Cinema 4D.
The story after the first animation.
The Halloween edition of the first animation.
Testing with different lighting and shading.
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